International BonBon Day

bonbons1On my Facebook status the other day, I posed two important questions:

1) When is it I get to lie in bed all day reading novels and eating bonbons?

2) What exactly are bonbons?

I got an overwhelming response from people who posted on my wall to comment on my status. Many of them wanted to define “bonbon” for  me, with the consensus being that it’s French for candy and can mean any kind of candy you want.  (My personal idealized BonBons would be dark chocolate filled with a creamy chocolate ganache). However, many other people flooded onto my Facebook page to comment on how much they, too, would like a day of lying around reading and eating bonbons. Clearly, we’re all feeling a little overwhelmed right about now.

One person suggested that for Sabbathkeepers like myself, the Sabbath ought to serve that role.  But while I love the Sabbath and credit it almost entirely with keeping me sane, I don’t think Sabbath rest is exactly the same as my imagined bonbon rest.  For one thing, Sabbath is a family day, and while I love having time to spend with the family, being responsible for kids, or church responsibilities, or any other kind of responsibility, is a direct violation of the principles of the holiday I am about to declare: Intenational BonBon Day.

Even when we do get unexpected days off — as, for example, today, when I am taking the day off work to stay home with a sick child — we are still responsible for other people, and/or we tend to fill those unexpected free hours with tasks and chores that have to get done (you should see today’s to-do list!) This also violates the BonBon spirit, which is to have a day with no items on your to-do list, and nothing checked off at the end of the day.

International BonBon Day (I will resist the temptation to shorten it to IBD as that has much less pleasant connotations) is essentially a selfish day.  It is best accomplished by taken an unplanned day off work, making sure children (if any) are parked with someone else, and refusing to do any housework, volunteer work, or even hobbies unless they’re purely fun.  Don’t involve other people unless they exist purely to make you feel better. We’re looking at serious self-indulgence here, my friends. If novels and bonbons aren’t your thing, lie around watching mindless TV and doing crochet (but only if it’s  useless crochet). Whatever it takes to make you feel that you have accomplished exactly nothing — except looking after yourself.

It’s pretty rare for a working mom of two to get a BonBon day, and I’m sure it’s not only people in my situation who need a day off.  Working people with or without kids, stay-at-home parents, people caring for elderly relatives — just about everyone could use a BonBon day.

We won’t be declaring a specific day because that’s just too hard to arrange. Instead, the International BonBon committee (me so far, but you can get involved too) recommends you choose a day for your own convenience, even if that involves a little inconvenience to others.  You may have to co-ordinate your BonBon Day with those of others around you … for example, the first step in a good BonBon Day for a mom is obviously to leave the kids with Grandma, whereas if you’re a busy retiree with a dozen committments, the first step in planning your BonBon Day is to tell your daughter you can’t take the kids that day.  So we may need to stagger our celebrations to help each other out, but that’s OK.  Remember, if we plan it right, there’ll be BonBons enough for all.

With writers racing to finish NaNoWriMo, our American friends getting ready for big Thanksgiving dinners, wintery weather closing in here in the northern hemisphere, and the spectre of Christmas shopping and other December activities hanging over us all like the Sword of Thingummy, late November seems like the perfect time to plan your own celebration of International BonBon Day.

I already have mine planned — but I’m not telling you when, because I won’t be taking calls that day.

10 Replies to “International BonBon Day”

  1. Ooh – I want a bon bon day. My conscience is having a complete monkey fit at the very idea, though. Like – no housework at all? No bills? Not even reaching a word count goal? And reading while eating chocolate? I think the cops would show up.

  2. I highly approve of your IBBD. Thanks for naming it.

    I’ve actually done this upon occasion. And I highly recommend it; it’s a terrific destressor! Only I called it “going on strike” or “taking a day off” or even “taking a mental health day”. I like your title much better. 🙂

  3. My bonbon of choice would come from the English Channel. A delectable truffle that I only had once in my life. Well, twice really if you count having two. 🙂 Even the box was deliciously decorated. You just knew there was something special inside!
    Of course, in a pinch, I’d settle for the Lindt Chocolatiers new “orange chocolate” bonbon. If the day is truly going to be decadent…one has to have the perfect bonbon of ones liking! LOL.

  4. Screw the day, just give me the bonbons! 😀 A nice chocolate truffle would suit me just fine.

    By the way, just in case you missed my reply to your comment, your cousin wouldn’t happen to be called Mark Plummer, would he?

  5. Lindt has an orange chocolate? Sherry, you’ve just remade my whole world.

    FLG, I did get around to replying over on your blog … but no, Mark Plummer is not my cousin.

    Thanks everyone for posting; I’m glad to see we have support for the concept. Ansku, is there a Finnish word for “bonbon”?

  6. For the past three or four years, my sisters and I have met in Minneapolis for a string of IBBDs. It keeps my sanity.

    The first year, we literally sat in a hotel room the entire time, leaving only for the concert we went there for. We watched movies, looked up old lovers on the internet, talked a blue streak. Whatever we wanted to do.

    Best of all — it’s the first of December, so it comes right after the Nano craziness.

    But you see, for me to really do nothing? I have to leave the entire state.

  7. I took an IBBM yesterday. Sort of. As in – I ate a piece of chocolate and sat down and did nothing. For approximately 15 minutes. Which is about what I can manage. So I’m proposing an amendment to IBBD – International Bon-bon Moments. We can all do that, even without leaving the state.

  8. Finnish for bonbon, “karkki”, does not sound as luxurious as the French… We do use the word “karkkipäivä” = bonbonday but it refers to the day of the week when kids are allowed to eat candy. And it does not have any connotation of doing nothing, which I find an important element of the International Bonbon Day!

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